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Development PC Downloads

ArPiRobot Drive Station

Download for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Mobile Drive Station for Android Phones & Tablets

ArPiRobot Deploy Tool

Download for Windows, macOS, and Linux

ArPiRobot VSCode Extension


ArPiRobot C++ Toolchains

Note: A toolchain matching the architecture of the OS image on the robot is required. Multiple toolchains can be installed using the Deploy Tool.

armv6 Toolchain for Windows, macOS, and Linux

aarch64 Toolchain for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Robot Downloads

ArPiRobot Operating System Images

Note: Images for all supported systems are on the page linked below. Download the correct one for your robot's SBC (single board computer). Also, make note of the architecture if you plan to download a C++ toolchain.

Minimum Python Version: 3.7

Downloads for All SBCs

ArPiRobot Arduino Firmware

Source Code

ArPiRobot CoreLib Package

The downloaded zip file can be installed using the deploy tool and will be deployed to the robot when a program is deployed. Only one version of the CoreLib can be installed on your computer at a time.


Other Downloads

ArPiRobot CAD Models

3D Models of some robots or components designed in FreeCAD.

Note that some addons are needed for FreeCAD to open some of these parts. See the README in the downloaded zip for more info.


ArPiRobot Example Programs

Example robot programs in both C++ and Python. Most are designed for the Mini clipboard example robot build.

The downloaded zip file contains multiple programs written in both C++ and Python.
